
Relay for Life 2016

Unfortunately we have not been able to get sufficient numbers for the Relay For Life event and I am withdrawing our team. For those who did express an interest, thank you and apologies for not being able to take part.

Aghada Sea scouts are once again proud to participate in:
The Irish Cancer Society Relay for Life
CBS Secondary School, Midleton
17th – 18th September 2016.

Ventures, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and leaders will relay walk for 24 hours to raise funds for this worthy cause.

Come along to support us, walk a little.

If you can, please feel free to donate at the following:

Or if you prefer plain old sponsorship cards I can give you these too, just text/email and I’ll get one to you / 0876344340.

As before we are dividing the relay into time slots. We have leaders signed up for each slot but we need more ventures, scouts, cubs & beavers to do some walking & fundraising:

Team members registration forms can be found at:
RFL_ team_members_registration_form_2016
Please complete & email / give to me: